Building Our Community

for a Better Tomorrow

Providing Urban Planning, Educational Services, and Funding to the Stone Mountain Village Community

Stone Mountain Village

4 Pillars of Economic Growth:

Fostering ideas for the advancement of Stone Mountain Village

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A person riding bicycle in the Stone Mountain park

Mission Statement

“Village Forward, Inc is a non-profit organization with a mission to provide urban planning, educational services, and funding to the Stone Mountain Village Community. Our work revolves around our four pillars -Advocacy, Education, Planning, and Implementation.”

Field Trip Fridays

Our goal with field trip Fridays is to visit similar municipalities to gain insight into how they have developed and achieved economic growth and success in their downtowns and surrounding communities. Field Trip Fridays also intend to gather research by interviewing city officials, stakeholders, and business owners while reviewing planning documents, press releases, and development strategies to showcase effective and ineffective planning goals and implementation. We plan to utilize photography, videography, planning maps, and other documentation via our website, social platforms, and workshops.

Atlanta to stone mountain electric trolley 1913-1948

Served Areas



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Impact Areas

Impact on the Community and Economic Development: “Our Village, Our Voice.” Today’s opportunities shape Tomorrow’s Improvement. Our goal is to create a better quality of life by being a steady voice for change and growth in Stone Mountain Village. We need a collective voice that represents the advancement of all people -#onevillageonevoice.

A logo of a house in orange with white background

Field Trip Fridays

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Village Forward Monthly Social

Wednesday, June 28th 6pm-9pm Village Forward Monthly Social
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Village Forward Monthly Social

Wednesday, July 26th 6-9pm Village Forward Monthly Social
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Village Forward Monthly Social

Wednesday, August 23rd 6-9pm Village Forward Monthly Social